Monday, March 31, 2014

Sunday Funday Recap

This winter/spring Jon and I have been focusing on cleaning up the house, i.e. organizing, decluttering, finishing up projects. Now, we only have one day off a week together, Sunday. I'm so grateful for this because a few years ago he days off were midweek (Tuesday/Wednesday), and now that I'm working full time, Monday-Friday, we'd never see each other. It does feel that way now since I'm on 1st and he's on 2nd's but we make it work. But this lack of time together can make working on and finishing projects hard.

Sundays are our day to get projects done, here is a run down of our day yesterday:

  • 8:00am - I'm up getting ready for church
  • 9:30-11:30 - I'm at church and then pick us up some lunch (Ming Shee's, delish)
  • 11:30am-12:00pm - We spend time together while eating
  • 12:30 - We started working:

  1. We, mainly Jon, fixed the hole in the basement ceiling by replacing the ceiling tiles and light fixture (this project has needed doing for 3+ years)
  2. Remount the mirror to the wall in our master bath (it fell out of its old brackets when we started the pink bath remodel, 2 years ago, again mainly a Jon project, I was there for moral support)
  3. Touching up the paint on the attic door, a me project with Jon's moral support.
  4. Finishing the 1/2 bath remodel by painting the air vent and reinstalling the hardware, which I had been spray painting.
  5. Painting the window frame & sink alcove in the kitchen (a project I started a month ago but has needed doing since we moved in 4 years ago)
  • 3:30 - Go invited to a spontaneous, early dinner with our couple friends, The Visserings! It was lovely, and we were able to go to Lowe's for needed supplies afterwards.
  • 6:00 - Got home, 2nd coat of paint for the air vent and sink alcove for me, while Jon worked on the last few projects in the pink bath remodel.
  • 7:00-9:00 - Spontaneous fire pit at Jon's brother's house (they live a few streets over)      
  • 9:30-11:00pm - Back home and in bed to watch "Frozen"
Normally, our Sunday's are not this chaotic or packed but it was a wonderful day. We accomplished so many small projects that we had been too lazy to finish over the past few years. We didn't get everything checked off but a good majority! Now, we still need to work on decluttering and cleaning! It's sad how much we got done in only 3 hours that was put off for 3 years! 

What projects are you working on? Any Spring cleaning going on in your home?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Coconut Oil Bandwagon

I have jumped on the coconut oil bandwagon!

I wanted to deep condition my hair, so I went to the grocery store and picked up a jar of coconut oil. However, I wasn't aware that it should have been the Extra Virgin Organic kind but whateves I still used it. And I ended up using for everything! I used in my hair but not as much as I would have liked, still left it greasy. But I fell in love with using it as my body lotion! Finally, I've finished the refined jar and was able to purchase the Extra Virgin Organic kind.

I haven't had a chance to test it out on my hair for deep conditioning yet, but I'm still using it as my body lotion and nighttime lip gloss/chapstick. I actually whip the oil with my hand mixer first, it makes it a lot easier to use and apply for several reasons:
1. I don't have to worry about getting my hand in the jar/breaking nails getting it out/dropping the jar.
2. I believe it helps it melt faster for quicker application on my body.

The best part so far about the extra virgin stuff is that it actually smells like coconut! The refined oil does not have the coconut smell; at least to me it didn't.

I've notice a huge difference in my skin tone and in my butt and thigh area; the cellulite has somewhat disappeared or been minimized! YAY! I've even tried a baking soda face mask followed by coconut oil on my face as a moisturizer over night...I didn't see a huge difference but may need to give this another go!

Have you jumped on the coconut oil bandwagon? Are you still not sold on it or do you think its silly? If you have, what ways are using it?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Foot in Mouth

So, I have been a bad wife! I believe that Jon is a hoarder (which is true) however by pointing out his flaw, I was ignoring my own. We are cleaning and organizing the house and through this process I have found my hoarding problem. I am all for keeping precious items to save for the future, however, they need to be organized in a way that doesn't look like clutter.

Where Jon keeps everything claiming it is a collection or collectible with no organization, I am a clothes hoarder. Now, I'm not a shopper nor am I constantly buying new clothes and not getting rid of old stuff because I don't shop that often and I am a big pusher for donating but I am a hoarder of t-shirts and special/meaningful clothing items.

While going through the basement, we stumbled upon 2 bins that belong to me that are nothing but t-shirts and sweats from high school and college. This is on top of the special dresses (wedding/proms/bridesmaids), childhood dresses and shoes I have kept as well.

So, I am offering an official and public apology to my husband: I am sorry focusing on what I believe is your problem while not seeing/avoiding my own issues with hoarding.

Now, does anyone know where I can get t-shirt quilts made without spending a fortune? I bet if I can get a 2-3 quilts made from these shirts they could all fit in one container!

Friday, March 21, 2014


I'm going to try and see what Bloglovin is all about...wish me luck!

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Day of Spring!

Anyone else super jazzed that today is the official first day of Spring?

Maybe its the hope that the Polar Vortex has finally ended! Doubtful, I mean its Illinois, I've seen it snow in April, just in time for Easter! Enough snow to make a Snow-Bunny! Or maybe its pulling out one of my Lilly Pulitzer tops!  But I'm just feeling excited about today!

While I'm stuck in a window less office; I have windows just none that face the outside, I'm planning on doing at least 2 things when I get home tonight! Talk Duncan on a walk and hopefully get my rocking chairs out on the front porch!

I'm going to soak up what warmth I can get tonight! And I am completely ignoring the forecast for next week! Even better tomorrow is supposed to be in the mid-60's!! Ah!

Do you have any plans for this first day of Spring?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Making a Difference

They made me bleed my own blood yesterday at work! At the Red Cross Blood Drive in honor of a little boy whose grandparents attend the church where I work.

Nathan as has been battling an aggressive form of brain cancer for the past year. Nathan is only 4-years old and has had several surgeries and radiation treatments, blood products from donors have helped sustain Nathan throughout this process.

I haven't donated in nearly 6 years! The first time I gave I was 16; it was at a drive at my school. My parents signed the release form to allow it and I did it to find what blood type I have and to conquer my fear of needles. The day I got my donor card and found out my blood type is A+, at this time I was the last child at home but we had moved my grandparents in with us. Every night at supper around the table sat me, mom, dad, Grandma and "Balmer" (grandpa).

I declared, "my blood type is A+ positive!" And Balmer, 92, leaned over and said, "so am I, maybe someday you can give to me." And a very short time later, Balmer passed away, but I was told he had received 2 blood transfusions in the two weeks he was in the hospital before passing on. This then set off a mission for me.

In the span for 4 years, I had joined the gallon club. I stopped because life happened, I had a hard time giving the last few times or my iron was too low and I couldn't give. But yesterday may have restarted that spark to give. Maybe not that much or that often. My nurse, Dawn, helped me a lot, the fear and over dramatized memory of giving had clouded my mind over the past few years. However, it was not as bad as your imagination leads you to believe. I was done in less than 10 minutes.

Donating blood isn't that bad! Give for the Nathan's of the world! I give because maybe my grandfather received my blood when he was sick, or maybe my donation helped saved another girl's grandpa!

If you can't give financial or in service to a cause, donating blood is a great way to help, it takes a small amount of time but can have a big impact on others!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Duncan - Update

So, I love my dog! My Duncan, my baby! He is just a sweet boy when it suits him and like a real child he doesn't listen when I'm talking to him. He's been super cuddly this winter, and has somehow managed to find himself in our bed almost every night, right between me and Jon by our heads. How grateful am I that his only 11 pounds and curls up like a cat most of the time. He also loves to curl up and snuggle in my armpit. ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Its not bad starting the night but by 3:00am, not so much.

Anyway, for Christmas, I got him some special treats and few new toys. Which quickly became his favorite toys, especially, a little green, squeak bone that was only about 3" long and 1" wide. He loves it so much he's cuddled with it.

Sadly, a few weeks ago, the squeaker broke. He was heartbroken. Before we noticed it Duncan would paw at the bone and make a crying/whimpering sound. This is the first toy in nearly 2-years that he's been so attached too. What is even more depressing, is that it was a holiday special at the dog bakery, and they don't have anymore, nothing even close! NOTHING!!

Duncan still tries to play with it and if you have 2 toys he prefers the bone. And yes, he still cries and then looks at us like, "Fix It!" Crazy!

I'm still on the hunt for something similar but am losing hope.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Let the Fandom Begin

It may or may not be obvious, but I am a fangirl. For shame! But the first step is admitting it and the second step not giving a flute and rushing head long into the fandom!

Fandoms of the Past:
Backstreet Boys
Heath Ledger
Harry Potter - books and movies
Twilight - books and movies (don't judge me)
Downton Abbey (though I'm way behind, never finished season 3)
Jennifer Lawrence
etc. etc. etc.

The latest fandom to add is.... Sherlock. I realize that I'm about 4 years behind in the world of Sherlock. Oh, the talented Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch. Or as I refer to them, Bilbo and Sherlock.
This show makes me cry for American television! No more reality shows, pleeease!

Plus, its a modern take on a classic! And its been created by two superfans of Sherlock Holmes! This is has now set off a need in me to read the stories; hopefully I will accomplish this! Or at least a few of them.

Jon and I have spent the last couple of Sunday's with Sherlock marathons, thank you Netflix and all 3 seasons already being out on Blu-Ray. It is the only thing we can agree on and both enjoy at the moment; which is nice.

Have you ever experienced a fandom? Where your reality exists around the fandom?

My fandoms last a while and then I calm down; hopefully this happens soon...