Thursday, December 27, 2012

Joys of Christmas

I was so excited to get to my parents for our Christmas Eve party that I forgot my camera and my husband was so excited to get to his parents Christmas Day that I forgot my camera.

But in my defense, I am the only one of my siblings that has yet to cross the parent threshold and the task falls to me to help mom set up (more like, I was bored and excited to be around people). And my brother and his family were here this year; they live in Virginia and only come back maybe once a year and they hadn't been to Christmas in like 7 years!

Christmas Eve has always been my family's big Christmas event and it has grown and grown much like the family... and now includes my siblings spouses and most of the in-laws! Gifts aren't a huge thing for us; the kids aka anyone high school and younger still get presents by way of drawing names usually between July or October.

Tons of food and too much drink were consumed by me. Sadly, Jon had to work on Christmas Eve and wasn't able to even just stop in for something to eat because he was so busy.  But by some miracle, Jon's weekend started on Christmas Day, so we got to spend the whole day together with Jon's family.

Jon's family's Christmas is almost a complete 180 from mine. Where mine is loud and crowded, Jon's is more quite and less people. Both are full of family and love!

This year from my parents, my mom took me to see "Wicked" at The Fox in St. Louis with my sister, Elisabeth and sister-in-law, Pam. One word: AMAZING!

Jon's parents gave Jon a punching bag and stand and I got the best gift: an ice cream maker! Can't wait to start using that. (Sadly, I am experiencing the Post-Christmas Crash: aka I'm sick). OH and probably one of the sweetest gifts, Jon's grandma, Sally, who passed away a few years before Jon and I met collected these pewter Christmas plates every year, so Jon's parents gave us the years we were born. Such a sweet gift, and I am thinking a new tradition for when we have our own children someday!

Hopefully,  I will be smart and take a few pictures of our loot to share.

Did you get something you really love, needed, or are scratching your head over?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Classics

Everyone has their favorite Christmas movies, I am no expectation! Jon and I shockingly have a very small Christmas movie collection! *GASP*

But its true between us, we only have 4 Christmas movies:
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • The Holiday
  • Love Actually
  • Holiday Inn
We both know we need to grow this collection to at least include these:
  • White Christmas
  • Elf
  • Christmas Vacation
  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas (live action)
And as famously classic as all the claymation  movies are; they frankly scare the crap out of me. Even as a child. So, no thank you!

My favorite of all time is "Holiday Inn." It saddens me that its rarely mentioned! Because you see, without "Holiday Inn" there would be no "White Christmas." (OR "Easter Parade" as well).

You gotta tip your hat to good ol' Bing Crosby for doing 2 separate movies known for the exact same song! But "Holiday Inn" is the original and must be given its due!

What is your Christmas Classic film? Is it a tried and true favorite or more off the beaten path?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Okay People...

Okay people,

I want feed back from those of you who have stopped in on this blog!

I want to know who you are, if you stop by regularly, how you come by One Hill of a Life, why you come back....

What would you like to see or hear more about? (I'm an opinionated person on a lot of topics...)

I know your out there! Just give me a little encouragement! I'm in total need of that these days! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So Thankful

If you checked in on One Hill this past Monday, you know that I had a rough day.

I had a full-on emotional break down when I got home Monday night, and I was all alone (Jon was at work) and was supposed to go to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF, I am a leader this year, eek!) and lead a double group!

I laid on the couch sobbing (scaring Duncan, the dog), not wanting to go at all, thought about calling my TL (teaching leader) Deb and claiming to be sick. However, I pulled myself together, fixed my face with powder and mascara, got my stuff together and headed out. Only to cry in the car on the way. I admitted to another lead that the day had not been good (I'm usually the happy, perky, young leader and they could tell something was up).  Deb, found out and came in to my group and gave everyone a hug! And gave me another hug afterwards.

I didn't want to be there, I just wanted to wallow in my own self pity but I have to say that being there was the best place for me on Monday! I felt so much love, support and encouragement from the girls in my group and all the ladies there! Another leader has even offered to mentor me, which she said she's been feeling the call for a few weeks now and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time!

I felt 100 times better when I was on my way home. I cried on the way home but for a completely different reason than on the way there.

For me this just goes to show the power of God in our lives. I was ready to just avoid God on Monday night and let myself be selfish and let others down! But I choose to serve the Lord and He guided me and sent me exactly what I needed to hear. I'm still a little down but I feel far and away better than Monday.

It just goes to show that anything is possible with God (and a little ice cream)!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pinterest: Tried It/Nailed It! Part #3

Here is another Pinterest: Tried It/Nailed It! post. Since, it appears that most of ya like these posts!

You can check out my previous Pinterest forays HERE and HERE!

Pinned Image
The Creamy Crock Pot Hot Cocoa from Mrs. Happy Homemaker- Oh My Goodness! This was soooo good! I made it when I had the ladies from my Bible study over for a fellowship! It was so good and really just so simple! It makes a lot and is rich and filling!

Pinned Image
Just Like Lambert's "Throwed Rolls" from Tammy's Recipes - Now, these are so delish! And the shocking thing about the one's I had, is that I didn't make them, Jon did! That's right, my lovable man knows how to use our bread machine to make dough and then go on to bake the bread in the oven! (He is way more into bread and carbs than me in general; carbs/bread has never been my thing). We both loved tasting this bad boys!

I need to get back on the bandwagon of testing out these things! (And taking my own pictures too!)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Feeling Down

So, its been a full year since I really started my job search and I'm still looking for a full time job.

Its very frustrating and upsetting to me. I feel very much like a failure. I know that its all apart of God's plan for me and I that I need to turn to Him, which I am, but it still hard to not completely feel like doo doo.

All I would like is a decent paying job, that is full time, where I am not swindling people or pushing a product on those who can't afford it. I am very grateful for the job I have but I can tell the ministry is not for me in the long run.

I am also very fortunate that my husband supports me and is okay with me only working the 1-part time job. I think its a sense of letting those around me down and not really learning or growing in a career. I want this so much for my self and for my future family (aka Jon and when we start our family, which seems to feel farther out of reach than ever before to me).

I just seem to have no talents, no skills, and can't seem to sale myself to prospect employers enough to even get an interview.

I've had only 1 legit chance (a real company and not commission based) and I did not fit their personality assessment to move on for the full interviewing process. Nothing can make you feel worse than "failing" a personality assessment.

I am golden and failing "unfail-able" tests. It happened in high school with a personality/career path assessment for a class.

The worst is receiving that email while at work! Nothing like being on the verge of tears all day in an office where you are the only female! Oh well, maybe I will just eat my feelings at lunch!

I would just like some prayers that I will go to God and rest in Him right now. Thanks!

Royally Excited!

Yes, I am hopping on the "Will & Kate are Pregnant" post-bandwagon!

I am a die-hard royal family chaser! Ever since, I was about 11-years old, I knew that Prince Harry was my soul-mate, um, major crush. But alas, I live in Illinois, and grew up in a cornfield, literally! So, the chances of me and Harry ever locking eyes across a pub was never gonna happen. Though I got pretty close to England when I went to Ireland, three years ago...

However, I did get my "Harry-look-a-like," best friend, and love of my life, Jon! So, I call it a win-win! (Another Halloween costume idea, I have: me and Jon to go as Harry & Kate! Scandalous!).

I think the obsession comes from one too many fairy tales, Disney movies, and being an American! We just don't have the history of a royal family. The First Family is a good but they don't last very long....Though I would totes love to chill with the Obama's! Give me a call, Barry!

Anyway, plus this goes back to my theory on what is happening here to the world with all these new babies being born!

But seriously, Kate, can I be your bestie? (I need your clothes and hair!) Or how about your baby-nanny? Yes?

Anyway, congratulations to everyone who's recently had a baby or who is expecting!

I wander what how gorgeous this kid will be?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Holy Spring!

WHOA! Are you also having above average temps?

Seriously, its like Spring here in Central Illinois in DECEMBER! Today's high is supposed to be a record breaking 71 degrees!

The only explanation is that, "It's Illinois." We can have some crazy weather swing no matter the time of the year but this is when I get nervous!

Because you can get really sick from these rapid changes. So, do what Jon and I are doing and working on prevention!

We are taking either a Vitamin C pill or having some Airborne daily to help keep our immune system in check. Along with eating a couple clementines each day!

My sister, Maggie and her husband, Nick are both super sick right now. The worst part for them is that they are my new niece, Hattie's parents, so they have to be really carefully around her. Poor Maggie has to be careful of what she takes because it could affect Hattie!

Oh the joys to look forward to someday of having a baby!

(Speaking of babies, did you hear that Prince William and Kate Middleton are finally expecting?)

I'm a total royal fan watcher! I think Jon and I should go as Harry and Kate some year for Halloween!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

PowerBall Dreams

In case you haven't heard tonight will be the drawing for one of the largest U.S. lottery's ever at $500 Million!

Jon and I haven't bought a ticket yet but we always talk about what we would do if we ever won the lottery (of any size). And here is what I would do:

1. Pay off all our debts.
2. Pay off family members debts.
3. Invest in our future (retirement, family planning).
4. Invest in our families futures.
5. Donate to charities (we would need to decide which ones).
6. Remodel our house (or move).
7. Take a trip (we have never had a real vacation together beyond 3 weekend getaways in 5 years of being a couple).
8. Maybe open a store/ fund a fun career path!
9. Seriously start thinking about a family.

That seems like a lot but its really not. I really wouldn't change our life that much but the stress and worry about the bank account and where it stands would lessen so much. (It's also 1 of the 3 reasons why we are on the anti-children bandwagon at the moment).

What are your lotto dreams?

Holiday Frustrations

I love the Holiday Season! I love the spirit and twinkle lights everywhere!

But with that comes the frustrations of the season too!

Gift Giving
Affording Gifts
Having to deal with family (can be frustrating)

Etc. Etc. Etc.

For me, I love spending time with my family but I hate how they make me feel about not having yet got a full time job. I have been actively applying and interviewing for the past 12 months now.

And. Nothing. Is. Happening!

And everyone thinks they know what I need to do, or wants to help, or has an opinion. JUST STOP!

I know I am a disappointment at the moment but seriously I don't need others reminding me at every family gathering.

And I would like to do this on my own for once in my life.

Hopefully, I will be back with a cheery, Christmas-spirit filled post soon.

Just had to let this out.

I have been praying that God will light the next step for me and working on giving all my anxieties on Him in full faith and trust. He is Great and He is in control.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christmas Card

String Of Lights Christmas
Turn your favorite photos into personalized Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.
Happy Holidays from The Hill's!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Whoa! Bad Blogger Alert

Sorry for being a bad blogger the last few weeks!

Been busy with life! Celebrating my 2 year wedding anniversary and spending some time with Jon. We took vacation time and just chilled!

It has been a much needed break for us individually and as a couple!

Neither of us are looking forward to going back to work this week and are in need of some prayers!

Hopefully, I will be better able to keep ya updated in the coming holiday season!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

One and Done

Note: I am not a huge fan of politics nor do I claim to understand how our government works or all the issues. However, I have my beliefs and needed to get them out! This will be my only political post. And remember this is America and I am entitled to my opinion, just like you. This is not an attack on any one's personal views or beliefs.

We are in the middle of the storm and the end is coming!  Election day is November 6 (my 2 year wedding anniversary!)! Get out and vote! I'm also so excited for all the campaign ads to be over! The backstabbing reminds me of high school and grade school!

This is my one politically motivating post, so don't fear that they all will be but I just I needed to have an outlet for myself right now! I am not a political person and don't really follow politics, so I know I may not have all the facts right so just deal!

I work in a nondenominational Bible-teaching & believing Christian church office. However, when you normally think of Christians, one usually assumes they are Conservative, Republicans. Guess again!

I am a Liberal, Democrat Christian.They are hard to find within the Christian community and if they are out there they are out numbered and keep mum on their political alliances.

I am tired of people assuming they know my beliefs and views when I say I am a Christian because they do not. Now, for me the big topics that get brought up is gay marriage and abortion.

I am Pro-choice however that does not mean I am pro-abortion. Pro-choice simply is a woman's right to choice to keep an unwanted pregnancy or not. It should not be used as a form of birth control, ladies, always have protection or control yourself!  I can say for a fact that pregnancy before marriage for me would only have been possible through an attack and I am 100% certain if that had happened and resulted in a pregnancy I would have had an abortion. If someday I am blessed to become pregnant with my husband and there are complications and it comes down to me or the baby, I chose me! Sorry, I'm not sorry, that is what Pro-choice means! That is my choice and for the record, my husband and I have discussed this and agree.

I am also not anti-gay. Do I agree with it? No. However, that is that persons choice, and we live in America where that choice can be made. I hate the sin, not the sinner! They should be happy regardless just like everyone else because I love them. I am still looking for my gay best friend and hopefully I will have one someday! :) Let me know if you are looking for a friend!

I believe in the separation of church and state just like our founding father's! America is where we can choose what to believe, how to live and how to practice what we believe. However, my faith does effect my vote, I'm not saying it doesn't because it does. It is a part of who I am and what I believe. I believe God is the one in ultimate control over everything...

But for all my Conservative, Christian, Republican friends, who don't want a separation between church and state, I ask you, how can you possible vote for a Mormon?

That is my stance based on my political and religious views. I don't have a problem with people who believe differently than me, again that is their choice and their right here in America. However, do not be angry with me or miss judge for my beliefs that are different from yours and I will give you the same love and respect.

One more note, what you do have to say about government assistance now Gov. Romney, post-Sandy?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom: Halloween

Moonrise KingdomSo recently, Jon got a few new movies, one of them being "Moonrise Kingdom" by Wes Anderson. And I have to say I am obsessed with this movie now! Wes Anderson is one of Jon's favorite directors and I totally see why!

But "Moonrise Kingdom," has inspired me to work on getting me and Jon a couples Halloween costume in the works. Its too late for this year but hopefully I can gather what we would need over the next year and pray Jon goes along with it! This is my inspiration for Suzy Bishop.

Just don't forget the blue eyeshadow!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Welcome to the world Hattie Margaret

Welcome to the world Hattie Margaret
My sister Maggie had her first baby on Tuesday, October 23. It was a girl weighing in at 8 lbs 2.5 oz and 19.5 inches! They named her Hattie Margaret! Hattie was our great-grandmother and Margaret was our grandmother (Maggie's namesake, who would have been 96 years old today).

Congratulation Maggie and Nick on my niece, Hattie Margaret!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pinterest Challenge: Nailed It!

Lately, I have been once again actually doing pins on my boards. Namely my Foodology board because its delish and easier for me to do. However, I still stink and taking photos, blah! Maybe sometime I will remember to take photos before I start eating the finished product!

Pinned Image I made these a while go very good. I'm not a huge Nutella fan but definitely good in these! This is the link used on this photo.
Pinned Image Pizza Casserole! Soooo good! Beware following the recipe strictly makes a TON of it!! Not even joking. I usually follow recipes strictly the first time or two and then try to cut it down, for some reason that is easier for me. Here is the link. Definitely something to make for a large group, I found just a small portion was really filling.

Pinned Image First time making a whole chicken! I was nervous! But it turned out really good, though maybe a little dry in places it was in the crock for like 8-9 hours. I used a salt, pepper, chopped onion, and I can't remember the other spice for my rub....probably could have used some actually heat spice I think but I don't do well with spicy. Here is where I got the courage to try and where the pin links.
Pinned Image I feel these could have been better/not as good as I was expecting. However, I did use the store brand biscuits, so maybe that played a part. I used left over chicken from my crock pot adventure in these too; that could also have played a part. I just eyeballed the measurements since the link didn't give any beyond the can of cream of chicken and cups of certain things. But if you have everything on hand (I didn't have onion powder or garlic salt - I used garlic powder) this is a quick little dinner/snack/what-have-you.

Pinned ImageI already posted on this here so be sure to check it out!

I've got the stuff for a few more dishes so hopefully, I will let you know my verdict on those later, pray I am able to get some photos too!! It doesn't help that I swear our computer (aka Jon's) doesn't like me and never has.

Anything you have a pin for and haven't tried yet? Just remember to make it work for you if there is something you know you won't like in it replace it with something you know you will.

Cooking is all about learning and trying! I usually stick to recipes that are more simple.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy Halloween

My family really gets in to Halloween  in that we always go trick or treating with the babies! I love dressing up but now that I am grown up its hard to pick a custom that I will like year to year! So I mainly go for a hip "witch"! I wear all black, dark nail polish and eye make-up and I have a cape a wear, I just need a good witches hat. This year, I will be going trick or treating with my nephew Ian - he is going as "Mr. Fredricksen" and Duncan is going as "Dug."Happy Halloween

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


UPDATE: I sent the HR Director an email when I got the mix up and just wanted to make sure that I didn't get someone else's email. They responded with the fact that for some reason their email/web-server is acting a-fool, up in here! 

So, I normally don't let anyone know when I have an interview but I have one coming up! Yay for getting an interview. I'm on the fence with it since it would mean a long commute and it would mean a huge life change, etc. And I am starting to do my research and compile my questions...

However, its very awkward when you get an email from the company's HR Dept. telling you that you have already been selected for a 2nd round interview. Say What?!? I haven't even been to your building or met anyone in person, or had my 1st interview!

Now, I am seriously questioning your company and how successful it is if this is the stuff your HR Department is pulling...

Has this ever happened to you?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Late Night Snack

The other night at 9:30p I got a craving for a warm delicious skillet cookie with vanilla ice cream! However, I had no skillet cookie recipe *gasp*...what to do?

Why get on Pinterest until you find a recipe that is doable and that I have all the ingredients for! Duh!

And this is the one I pinned from Sophistimom.

I didn't chocolate chunks but I always keep chocolate chips on hand, and luckily had unsalted butter sticks in the freeze and that in a cleaning frenzy didn't get rid of Jon's old cast iron skillet from WalMart! YAY go me!

I did fine with the recipe until I got to the adding an egg bit, I probably didn't wait long enough for the butter mixture to cook so it cooked the egg just a little bit and my husband was forced to help me by adding the last few ingredients. Cooking is a learning process!

I would suggest having all of your ingredients already measured out and ready to go for when you get to adding the egg, salt, baking soda, and flour.

Definitely, a great recipe to have in your back pocket for unexpected/last minute get together's! Thank you Sophistimom for this tasty pin!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Crampin' My Style

I love my husband! Very dearly, he takes such good care of us and provides a lot for us! But something I guess I blocked from myself before we got married was that 1) he has no sense of style and 2) he doesn't always like me expressing mine. He is crampin' my decorating, artistic outlet!

I would say that we are both more lazy relaxed when it comes to stuff around the house. I am trying but more organization and thought into the care of our home. Namely, we've had our house for 2 1/2 years now and its high time we get some pictures up on the walls! Especially, a certain giant, white brick wall in our family room. See here for more on that!

Jon's parents gave us this giant antique mirror a while back and is now my inspiration for getting on putting some life on that wall. Only problem: Jon.

He is working on another project right now that has been on going for months and I would love for him to hurry up and finish so we can move on to this. Also, it will cost us some monies to get our wall gallery started but I will slowly but surely try and get this underway!

If only I had like some super hand, strong decorator friends like David Bromstad or someone to help and to pay for it too!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Maggie's Baby Shower

Sadly, if you read my blog post last week about the impending Baby-Apocalypse, I am sorry to say that one of my 4 older sisters is currently infected and her transformation is expected around the end of October. Below are the photos from the baby shower my sisters and I hosted a few weekends ago for Maggie. (We sadly forgot to get a sister's picture at the shower, however there are pictures from the night before at the bar of the 5 of us that I don't have!) Yes, we pre-gamed the baby shower and prego was jealous!

Maggie and Baby Butterfield!

Our nephew Ben said he could feel the baby move!

Maggie with Cassie (Chanlie) and Kelly! We all ran at Illinois together!

Sister Elisabeth getting her birthday pic on Dad's lap! (I told you its a tradition!)
The theme was woodland, since the nursery is a treehouse theme with little woodland creature decals on the walls. Maggie and Nick decided they wanted to be surprised when they have the baby so they aren't finding out the baby is, so its either a boy or girl.

Any guesses on what it could be? I'm saying Boy!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

E.L. James = Not Original

If you have read 50 Shades of Grey you know that E.L. James claims to have been inspired by the Twilight Saga.  I freely admit that I read the trilogy and I loved every minute of reading the trilogy 5 times back-to-back. I love when authors pull in other pop culture references that I absolutely love!

Like in 11/22/63, Stephen King mentions that his main character, Jake, on his first trip into the past has him watching The Long, Hot Summer at the drive-in! I love this movie so much, for me it’s a childhood classic because it is my mom’s favorite movie.

And I love that in 50 Shades, E.L. James brings in Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier. I love the movie and was finally able to read the entire book a few years ago (it took a few tries; it gets a little dry in the middle). Both are great classics of British Literature and film. And everyone should read the book and watch the movie! I mean it’s a Hitchcock classic!

Over this past weekend, I was sick and decided to watch the movie Rebecca, only to realize that E.L. James must have also been pulling inspiration from this along with the Twilight Saga! Why else would she reference it! But in watching the movie, I realized that James is not original, she only added shock value to a classic story already told.

Making my case:

Maxim de Winter is the older, cold, hard, wealthy man who has a terrible secret and by some miracle crosses paths with a young, poor, naive girl who he is condescending toward and happens falls in love with her at the speed of light! And this girl is able to help transform him and melt away he’s hard veneer. The young, shy girl becomes a strong woman throughout the story.

Mmmm…seems a bit fishy. 50 Shades of Grey will never be in the same league as Rebecca! Rebecca paints a detailed, specific setting in Manderley with vivid imagery and originality that 50 Shades will never have. 50 Shades is a pop culture hit but has no real substance. However, its great fluff/smut reading.

Nice try, E.L. James but I am on to you!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Finding a Job... Part #Whatever

Here I am, 2 years out of college and still completely stumped on how to get that elusive full-time, career builder/starter job. Granted, I do blame myself a lot for this, not taking the right classes in college, not asking the right questions, not paying attention, not working on my own to develop skills.

As a Ag Comm major I am having a hard time selling myself to perspective employers. I haven't been keeping up with educating myself, but seriously, I can't sell myself! Look at this blog, I still only have one actual follower. Is anyone even listening to me? Does anyone care?

I know that God has me where he wants me and he has a plan for me, but with this world we live in its hard to see the future and how secure it will be. I am stressed about this but I need to remember to "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you," 1 Peter 5:7.

I finally have gotten the courage up to send my cover letter and resume to marketing companies in my area, only to realize that most request a "creative portfolio." What the WHAT? I've worked in a church office as the assistant for 2 years, I don't have a portfolio! So, my courage has yet again disappeared, I dont' even know where to start developing a portfolio that might actually land me an interview, let alone a job.

There are just so many factors to this finding a job, that I feel that I wish I could go back and redo college sometimes just to seek out better/more resources than I did. However, I do us my tale to caution any Jr. and Senior High kids I actually get to have a convo with. If I had know what I do know I would go back and warn my Jr./High School and collegiate self about what I really need to focus on.

To bad I can't go speak to High School students about the pitfalls that can happen starting in high school if you don't really plan careful enough for post-college life in finding a career.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Its coming! The end of the world is coming! Babies! Babies are how Zombies are made. I mean seriously, they live off of another organism in incubation for 9-months then rip/slide/cut their way out! Only to turn their caregivers into sleep deprived, mindless Zombie-beings!

This is just a bandwagon like chalking your hair, eating paste, all your friends get engaged/married and then comes the scariest bandwagon: everyone starts having babies!!!! And then they are forever changed into something unnatural!

All kidding aside, I will honestly say there is nothing more that I would love to do than start my family, its all I have ever dreamed about doing in this life. Call me crazy! With that being said, I also have always known that having a baby is not as easy or cute or fun as books, television and movies try and make it seem. Heck, my sister, who is expecting her first child at the end of October will actually be giving me my 16th niece or nephew!

Due to this many offspring already provided to both my parents (14) and my in-laws (2); my husband and I are actually being pressured to wait to have a child. Which we are both totally okay with! But seriously, it seems, like every time I get on Facebook nowadays someone is announcing that they are excepting!

Like seriously, stop being reproductive, everyone! Television shows, I've been sucked into "Married to Jonas" on E! and they are even having the baby-making convo's! Even other bloggers I follow are having babies!

It feels like society is telling me to have a baby already. I know way more about pregnancy, labor and delivery, and actually having a newborn than someone should who doesn't have their own child should.

Sorry, I have been hitting my panic button on the whole Baby-Apocalypse which is happening around me! I am excited for the day when its my time to become a Zombie-parent, but that time is not now and its one of the pressures that I feel from society!

I am grateful that I don't have pressure from my husband (who is just as freaked out by it as me and who has told me that in the actually event of a really Zombie Apocalypse isn't afraid to do what needs to be done!) and from our families!

Do you feel the Baby-Apocalypse is near too?


So the last time I posted was in August to say "Crap, its August!"

Well, "Crap, its September!!!" AHH!!!

Time definitely is flying (though its not been much fun!)

My consuming thoughts in August: continue my job search, get ready for my sister's baby shower, get ready for Bible Study Fellowship to start!

However my consuming activity was reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, over and over and over again! I got sucked in to that black hole!

Yes, I know not exactly a good Christian read, however, I loved it! Not for the naughty bits, though those were enticing, but I ended up loving the story. Granted, I can tell you it is not anything amazing like The Godfather, or Rebecca.

Its just a piece of salacious, fluff that I have always been more prone to read. It was a treat to myself during a rough patch and my reward for reading "11/22/63" by Stephen King (which took me several months to get through). It took awhile for my to get into the story, there was a lot of details but it was really good.

I read the entire trilogy in 4 days. So, seriously not that difficult to read but it is more of what I lean to when reading a book. I don't always want to be challenged when reading sometimes you just need a little fluff.

I am trying to decide what my next "challenge" book should. I did try and start reading "The Hobbit" (I didn't get super far). The first part of the movie should be coming out this winter and I hate seeing a movie before reading the book and it does provide conversation material for me and the hubs!

Any book suggestions?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Holy Smokes! It's August!

Where did July go?!? Jeez, I blinked and its August! And I realize that I have been completely slacking on posting. I have been busy/a little down in the dumps.

I have been putting in for jobs and interviewed for a few but was denied. No big deal because there has been a lot going on. This week is Vacation Bible School at the church and I have been helping with that, which makes for long work days since our is in the evenings (12 hour days) and also this week we are getting new windows installed at the house!!!!

That's the biggie! We have been waiting since the beginning of June to get this done and its finally here! Though I will need to deep clean my house after they are all in because the the insulation getting everywhere. Oh, and its only a bazillion degrees outside and we turned the AC off when the workers are there, so nothing like stewing in your own house on the last day in July!

And of course I am watching the Olympics! Go Illini athletes that are competing!

So that's your update for the first day of August! I hope you had a rockin' July!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Life of a Cop Wife

Jon, will not like me posting about his profession because of the risk involved, so I will probably never really write about it again so enjoy.
Jon and I have been together 4 1/2 years and married for 1 1/2 years. In the entire time that we have known each other, we have had maybe 2 or 3 holidays together where Jon hasn't had to work.
One of our engagement photos
Our first official holiday together married, where Jon didn’t have to leave to go to work, was yesterday, July 4th, 2012. It was weird having him there but so nice for a change. Normally, Jon has to leave to go to work or doesn’t even get to come to the party (depends on his district and how busy it is).  Our very first Christmas ever together, we had both days off however, I got the stomach flu; I spend my family’s Christmas Eve party in the bathroom with my head in the toilet with Jon standing dutifully outside the door to comfort me.  
That being said, the next time you get pulled over and are rude to the police officer because you think they are mean remember you don’t know what they might be missing. They may be missing their family’s holiday party, or their grandmother’s 90th birthday party! Also, realize that they may not have a weekend with their significant other or family.

Most police officers weekends are actually week days. Jon’s weekend is Tuesday/Wednesday. We are luckily in that since, I currently only work part time, we have Tuesday and Wednesday evenings after I get home from work, and the mornings I have off before Jon goes to work (2nd shifter). My friend Kayla and her husband (who is also a police officer and 2nd shifter) only have Tuesday & Wednesday evenings and Saturday & Sunday mornings together. They don’t even get 1 day off together.

I have gone to so many family functions for both my family and Jon’s family by myself, its heartbreaking (I’m getting a little mist-eyed typing that). I get to see my husband a lot more than most police wives, but it’s not always quality, we have one day to cram stuff in, and in the mornings we have, Jon just wants to do nothing but relax and spend time doing his own thing before going to a very stressful and life-threatening job. Every time Jon puts on his uniform there is always the possibility he might not come home that night.
So, before you make a stupid decision or think a cop is “out to get you,” maybe you should think about the fact that they are missing being with their family’s to help protect the public. And the majority of police officers have family’s that worry every day if they will be coming home to them. We love them and want to build our lives with these men and women who protect us!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Negative Nancy

Sorry but this is another "Negative Nancy" kinda post...I am really struggling right now. Hoping to have a "Duncan" post tonight or tomorrow!

I love my job as my church's administrative assistant/office manager/jack-of-all-trades! The sad thing is is that it's only part-time :(  But I have earned a lot of freedom and trust with my job which is really nice and I am responsible for more projects and such. However, I do have a few (more and more lately) things that do pop up to annoy me!

I have always been willing to go above and beyond in this job, hence the freedom, but lately its been feeling more and more like I am being taken advantage of. I am sure this happens in any job but when people just expect you to drop everything for them or give you a project at the last minute, and you can't tell them to *bleep* off or get angry because its a church office, no bieno! Or when apparently something was supposed to be your job or you were to do something but no one every told that!

I am totally okay to do work and projects but not last minute! And if you give me something last minute don't bitch about the quality, or mistakes made! If you wanted it perfect, you should have asked a month or 2 before hand!

Case in point, 2 weeks before summer children's ministry was to start, the associate pastor told me that I need to get on organizing volunteers and here's the list, do background checks, etc. I had been asking about this information for 2 months leading up to this!!! ARUGH! Seriously! I had 2 weeks to organize teachers, assistant and support staff! And I had to run the new computerized check-in system.

I haven't been to a church service in 2 months! I know I could go to early church (we only offer Sunday school during 2nd service) but I like my sleep and spending time with my husband who works Sunday evenings. I honestly believe the last time I went to church was Mother's Day (May 13th!)!

And now somehow I am responsible for Vacation Bible School stuff....great! I am drawing the line! I am helping in our children's ministry without complicant more than the parents of children in the ministry but seriously!

This is also stems from that as part-time, I am only paid for the hours I work in the office and in the almost two years I have worked here, I have only received one, 5%, rise. For what I make an hour, 5% = 60 cents more an hour! What?!?!

This is why I have restarted my job search. I know this happens in every job but if I am going to be treated like this I would like to know that my time and energy are paid for.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Musings from a Poor Newlywed...

Okay, so I guess, technically we are passed that "Newlywed" phase. However, I have declared that we are newlyweds until we have baby. Sweet! My brother's best friend, Greg and his wife, Jay-Jay, loved this because they have been married a long time, have no children and plan on keeping it that way, so they will always be newlyweds/honeymooner's!

Back to the musings, in case anyone is wondering, I was job searching this winter and stopped because I was discouraged because I was not hearing back from any of the positions I had applied for. Well, I have started the hunt once again; feeling a little burnt out and taken advantage of in my current position. Yes, burn out and being taken advantage of happens in the church! Shocker, but remember Christians are humans too! And its mostly in my head and me being overly sensitive sometimes.

My main motivation for this surge in sending resumes again; is also due in part because I am a selfish human who wants material goods! Jon and I make it and are very blessed by the life we have but its that human nature sneaks in and makes me doubt. And Stalkerbook has had me feeling left behind by my peers; in this area. Many of them have careers in their degree; are from weathly, small families; so I have been feeling the little, green jealous monster on my back.  Now, I am not proud of these feelings or misjudgements. Which they probably are!

My reasons for these feelings is that my dream at this time would be to work 1 full-time job and alas this dream is alluding me! I do not know why, apparently I must not be good on paper. PLEASE someone give me a chance! I would kill to make double what I make a year now; not even to have material things but to have an awesome safety net so that unexpected bills don't set us back and to start a retirement fund, or even college funds for future chidlren! To have paid vacations, to be able to take an actual vacation without worrying that it will set us back a month; etc.

I know I frustrate Jon with my worries; he doesn't seem to worry as much as he used too which is nice. And he always needs to remind me that we are fine and we are, and I am grateful that we have a place to live, food to get and clothes on our backs. There are so many out there without even that!

So, I get so frustrated when it seems that my peers have all of these things right now. But my friend, Kayla reminded me a few weeks ago when we were talking, that though they have all of these things they can't actual afford them. A little light went off in my head; what I do without now for things I need will benefit us in the future. My little Oprah, "AHA! Moment!"

These peers are probably running themselves into consumer debt trying to "Keep Up with the Karadashians/Jones!" (By the way, I am boycotting the Karadashian shows because they are millionaires and do not need my money or time as it is. Why don't you but $600 towards charity instead of your shoes, Kim? Again, I am bitter but you never hear about them ever giving to charities.)

I am proud to say that, although TjMaxx, Old Navy, and Target price tags scare me right now (oh sad is that. This is how much I worry about our finanical future), I am not running me or my husband into debt! We pay our bills in full every month and are trying to find ways to cut back on things. We don't eat out as much as we used too, I do a lot of window shopping/daydreaming, and we take care our needs rather than our wants. I work 2 part-time jobs (though I am never scheduled at one anymore, agh!) and I still do not even make half of what my husband does! I am so beyond grateful for him, I can't even begin to describe it!

I would love a full-time job not only for how it could relax my fears of finanical ruin but also that if anything happened Jon, I would not need to depend on our families for finanical support!

Guess this has turned into more of a rant than a musing! Oops! But don't you feel the same way?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's a Duncan's Life!

This is the weekly post from the prespective of my dog, Duncan! Enjoy!

This past week wasn't that super exciting though I did get a pool day out at my grandparents with my boy cousin, Ben!

This is Ben!

In case you were wondering, I don't like water, so I did not part take in swimming.

Hey! My grandma was really nice and kept me supplied with water.

This is my mom and me!

She loves me! :)
Tired and hot on the way home!

And let's go to sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Come back next week for more pictures of my week! I think there is another pool day at Grandma and Grandpa Carroll's!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's a Dog's Life

I am going to try something new! I am going to try and make a weekly post from Duncan's prospective (aka put of photos of Duncan from the week and give an explanation as to what dog-friendly activity we have done, the weird stuff he does, or things we love about the D-can-man!

I got to go to work with my mom this week!

Hopefully, Jon and I aren't the only people who give their pets voices and pretend to speak for them! Duncan has two very distinct personalities from us, one is the normal, Duncan, which is a little boy voice  and the other is the proper, chap, Duncan Hill.

So, my mom promises to take more pictures of me on adventures to post for everyone! Hopefully, my dad gets on the picture bandwagon too! Until next week hopefully, Duncan!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday was Friday, June 1st!!! I love my birthday because for me, it is the official start to summer! And I am a firm believe that as I get older I no longer just have a day, I am currently up to my birthday week! Break down of celebrations:

Wednesday (before B-day): Dinner at Biaggi's with the In-Laws; Jay and Susan!

Friday (The Big Day!): Dinner at The Packing House with my creators! Followed by trips to Wal-Mart, Menard's, and DQ for some ice cream (my fav)!

Wednesday (after B-day): Staff lunch at Sushigawa with the Pastors (Josh & Isaac)!

Here are  a few photos from the celebrations:
With my Bubbas Duncan! He is my child!

Mom & the Big Guy (aka Dad) @ their house

Me and the Hubs @ my parents

And of course the traditionally "Sitting on Dad's Lap" picture!
This last pic is a a tradition that me and my sisters, Elisabeth and Maggie, have all done every year for our birthdays since our day of birth! Legit!

Oh and for those who are wondering I am now the big 2-4!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Am I the Only One?

Am I the only one, who despite knowing how blessed my life is who sometimes feels that there is something missing?

Last September, I started going to a bible study that lasted until mid-May. And I must say that in my entire Christian life I learned more in this one bible study than ever before! Which right now, I am so grateful to have experienced because remembering the lessons from this past year while on summer break is helping me to remember to shake off this feeling!

Since, graduating from college 2 years ago (cray cray!!), I have struggled to find a full-time/career job. I have worked several part-time retail jobs along with my job at my church (2 years in July :)!) However, society tells us that if you don't have a full-time/career job right out of the gates or within that first year, you are a failure.

And I definitely have been feeling that lately, especially with wanting to be able to make improvements to my home which we can't afford (remodeling, new furniture, etc.) or wishing that I didn't feel so guilty for wanting/purchasing a few new clothes and shoes. Now granted, most of this is self-inflicted because we would be fine if I got a few new summer tops but for me, I would rather save that money for a bigger purchase later. And that is just plain, old-fashion intelligence in my opinion!

I need to remember that God has blessed my life and my husband's, we both jobs when there are not a lot out there, a house, both families, etc! But it is hard to remember when these selfish wants consume my mind, I now know that this is sin working in my life to lead me away from God. Especially, my jealously towards other young couples who seem to have all the material goods I desire right now!

Luckily through my bible study, I have a made a great friendship with another girl, Kayla, who is in a very similar boat to me, who reminded me that most of those young couples who seem to have everything, can't actually afford the lifestyle and are only driving themselves deeper into to debt.

I need to remember, that I am doing what God has planned for me at this exact time and he will always provide what we NEED and not always what we WANT! And sometimes we need to struggle through a trail for the Lord to grow us in our faith!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Someone I Want to Meet...

A part of my learning to grow up and become an adult blah blah blah, I have stumbled across a blog/vlog that gives me great joy and happiness (and its very funny and usually on point for me and how I view and feel about the world). If you have not heard of Jenna Marbles over the past few months then you do not belong on YouTube or the interweb.

Also, Jon despises her YouTube videos so much its heartbreaking for me because I can't watch them with him and have to sneak them on the fly. (And I will reference them in convo and he just gives me this "Dafuq!?!" look). And Duncan, well Jenna's co-stars are her two dogs and every video starts with a squeaky toy sound which makes him a) wake up or b) bark.

Jenna Marbles, curses and has inappropriate subject matter but the way she is willing to say what others are only thinking, and do it in a humorous way that can make her seem like a stupid woman is what I find so genius about her! Go visit her blog and watch a few of the videos! But be warned it is inappropriate but its so ridiculously funny I just had to share!

She puts it out there, even the behind-closed-door stuff like singing to yourself in a strange voice while making-up your own lyrics to a song! Everybody does it and she's willing to make a fool of herself and I want to be her friend because of that!

And in true Jenna sign-off: "Bye Spiderman, Bye Other Spiderman!"

Also, everything on there is her viewpoint and opinion and I do not share all of the same opinions as she does. I just find the manner in which she puts it out there humorous.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Return of the Cone of Shame

So, a few weeks ago, Jon and I had an unusual night off together and decided to go out for dinner! We haven't had a Friday night together since our anniversary back in November. I not thinking left a bag of almost brand new dog treats on the kitchen table and our little leaper, Duncan got on the table and ate the entire bag of treats in the hour we were gone!!

Okay not a big deal, right? Wrong! This will get a little TMI so just beware!

Duncan then became  all "backed-up" and when he finally went to the bathroom it was runny and diarrhea-y. Which apparently is not good for any dog because there are things called "anal sac's" right inside of their rectum. These sac's fill with the dog's fluid scent which are empty when they have sound poohs. So, if the dog has runny poohs they don't empty and they keep getting filled and eventually pop out. Which happened to Duncan, it looked like a hemorrhoid but it is not, its very rare for dogs to get hemorrhoids.

Now, it came out Sunday morning following Duncan's binge, and by 4:00p Sunday evening it had popped!!! And it was bleeding and mucus-y! I didn't know what to do and I started crying and put a doggie diaper on him (yes they make diapers for dogs), and put him in his travel crate, so I could figure out what to do.

Jon, was at work and I had to leave to go to work for a few hours as well that night, YAY! But I went online and found a site (I can't remember what now) that said to clean the wound with a warm water and hydrogen peroxide solution, so I did that and put him in his big crate (aka his bedroom) with a blanket and towel, so I could wash them later and the Cone-of-Shame! Since, this can become seriously infected if not treated.

Everything else said to take him to the vet immediately! So, the next morning, we took D-man to the vet and got him some antibiotics and doggie aspirin for the pain, and I proceeded to swaddle him in a blanket and the Cone-of-Shame for about a week.

He is doing much better but it was soo scary for me!

This was a warning tale to people in the Puppyhood, especially small dog breeds, apparently this is more common with small dogs! Again this blog is about life's little challenges and this one was a toughy for me until I figured out what to do!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dealing with Tragedy

Normally, I love to have an upbeat vibe to my posts but this will probably not be the case today. My best friend, Samantha, lost her mom last week. Samantha and I met in college, she was a year ahead of me and we met when I joined our sorority, Phi Mu. 

Now, since we met in college, I did not get to know her parents the way I did my friends from grade school and high school. I wish I had known Sara Jane, Sam's mom better than I did. She seemed to be just a happy person who loved what she did which was own and operate her own greenhouse, Farming with Flowers.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that I feel awful that even though I was there for my friend for all of the services, I was not emotionally upset by the loss. Now, I know this was not a personal loss to me but it was to my best friend and seeing her upset and in pain did make me deeply upset and sad.

However, I do not view death or the loss of a loved one as a bad thing. For me, as Christian and believer in Jesus Christ, do not fear death. I am not afraid to die because I would only be dead in body but made alive in my spirit and have no separation from God anymore. It was also reassuring that this is how Sam's mom viewed death as well, as a believer.

It has been years since I have lost someone close, unexpectedly and someone young and my view of death has changed in that I understand my faith better and am making an effort to actively live it. I know I have no idea the loss that my best friend is feeling at this time.

Death is a part of the human condition, and ain't none of us getting out of here alive. How do you want to leave this world? Do you want to know where you are going or just think you know? How do you view death?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Epic Fail

I totally epic failed last week and this week on posting something, anything! Ugh, I've been uper busy lately and its not going to slow down any time soon. This includes 2 more 5:00a, one like 6:30a and probably a 7:00a Saturday morning wake up calls. That's the next 4 Saturday's of being up super early and going to bed/being home late. And the hard part is, all the extreme early mornings but one are voluntary! EEK!

This past Saturday was the first of three 5:00amers and that will be the norm for me come September! And no I didn't get a big girl job, however, I am volunteering to be a group leader for my Bible study next year. The leaders meet every Saturday morning at 6:30a.

And speaking of jobs, I did pick up another part-time weekend job! Just as backroom and cashiering for a fabulous little store called White House | Black Market. (hopefully my wardrobe will improve!)  So, that counts for the late nights on the Saturdays with early wake up calls!

Plus, Jon and I will be doing a road race, the Run to Remember Fallen Officers here in a few weeks and that shall prove to me interesting since neither of us have been running. But Jon's buddy Joe said he'd only do it again if I did so its going to be like our own little tradition!

Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


As previously promised here are a few photos of my bubba Duncan! An update on him: he's no longer in the "cone of shame," however, he has now started this scary wheezy, sucking snot/air sound; he's had one accident, and he's threw up twice. But he is still good most of the time, and we need to start socializing him more now that he's comfortable with us.

He is proving to be a struggle for me and Jon but he is definitely going to change everything, which isn't a bad thing!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bench Love

You know your a grown up when you get excited over household items! My friend Carmen commented on Facebook that she was excited about a Tubberware order she'd placed and I responded that I had geeked out over a bench! And this is the story of my bench:

A while back aka the end of January; I finally picked out my Christmas present and ordered it! YAY! Yes this means that I did not receive a present on Christmas but it was worth the wait! In case you didn't know I am a HUGE fan of John & Sherry and their little (HUGE) blog! These two are amazing! I wish that I lived near them so I could try and weasel my way into being a lifelong stalker friend! Anyway, they had a post about changing a few things in their living with stuff from Joss & Main. So, I joined and followed the events and found the perfect bench for under our front window and I am in love. If you can't tell from these photos!

It was a steal too! Originally like $300 and we got it for just a little over $100.00 including shipping!

And now a few months later I am still in love, though it could be a little longer but its one of Duncan's favorite hang outs (especially when the curtains are open).

Have you made any purchases for the home that you got for a major steal? Or don't know what you'd do without?

Also, I don't know anyone from YHL or Joss & Main so I didn't receive anything for this. I just love following YHL and looking for deals!