Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Never....

I never thought that I would feel like I enjoy school more then being in the real world! I graduated with my Bacholer's in May 2010 and the past year has been an interesting but crazy one! When I graduated I did not have dreams about starting my career, my goal was to get my wedding over and my marriage started! Which we have as of November 6, 2010! And since I graduated I have worked at 4 different jobs! Kohl's last summer, then one of the jobs I am currently at which I love, David's Bridal for a month (too emotional for even me), and the 2nd job I currently am holding down.

You may be asking so what do you do? Well, I am an Administrative Assistant at my church, and I work retail at the only speciality running store in the Peoria Area, Running Central! (Psst I haven't ran in 4 1/2 years!) And between these two, part-time jobs I feel like I'm a chicken running around with its head cut off sometimes!

However, working the two jobs, does allow me to have a day off during the week to have a day off with the hubby, which I am very grateful for, but my day off are Sunday and Tuesday (I work Mondays).  I think I'd almost rather have a full class load and have Friday evening through Monday morning off again and deal with the homework! The perk though is NO HOMEWORK!

Does anyone else miss school too?

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