Tuesday, December 3, 2013


How quickly a month can fly past without so much as blinking, eh?

I lost posted at the end of October about leaving my job, you can read about it here. I surrendered my life to the Lord and He responded! Praise God!

I had interviewed for a position the week before I put in my notice. I wasn't expecting to hear anything from them until mid-November and wasn't feeling extremely hopeful because of my past history with interviewing and not getting the job.

My last day was October 31 and I had nothing lined up yet. I was fighting so many doubts and nerves. I received a phone call offering me the position on November 1, 2013!! How crazy is that and so God's precious, perfect timing!

I started on November 18, 2013. The day after tornadoes ripped through our area, devastating the community of Washington, IL. I live across the Illinois River from Washington, but its heartbreaking to have this hit our area again. But once again God's hand was in the protection of so many lives that day!

And I guess God isn't done with me in ministry because my new full-time job is once again as a church secretary, haha!! And going through training with the girl I am replacing and speaking with her, it is truly God's prefect plan. She delivered a healthy baby boy on Dec. 2, 2013 and will become a stay at home mom!

Please pray for me and this new position! Pray that I seek God in continuing to do His work!
And thank you for all the support and prayers over the past 3 years!

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